iMPACT-erosion is a project that aims to democratise soil erosion modelling by fostering a more educational, playful and exploratory experience. To achieve this goal, the project adopts a learn-by-doing approach, allowing users of varying modeling expertise – from novices to experts – to get familiar with soil erosion modeling concepts and procedures simply by interacting with modelling tools.
iMPACT-erosion offers a comprehensive set of interactive Jupyter Notebooks and Python functions that guide users through the entire hydrological + soil erosion modelling process. These resources are organized into three stages: Start, Test and Explore
Important: we have included links to run iMPACT Notebooks on the cloud by using Binder, so that they are accessible by a web browser without requiring any local installation.
1. iMPACT-Start
The iMPACT-Start is a set of Notebooks explaining and implementing the starting soil erosion modelling tasks: fill climate data gaps, fill sinks of the digital elevation model (DEM), calculate the flow accumulation of the surface water flow, catchment delineation to define the area of study and soil erosion modelling at the catchment scale
You can find and download the iMPACT-Start Notebooks here: iMPACT-Start
2. iMPACT-Test
The iMPACT-test is a set of Notebooks explaining and implementing the necessary tasks to calibrate and evaluate a soil erosion model.
3. iMPACT-Explore
The iMPACT-explore is a set of Notebooks explaining and implementing the necessary tasks to simulate and explore a soil erosion system under different conditions and scenarios, to evaluate the efficiency of mitigation strategies and identify the most influential factors.
Install iMPACT-erosion locally
To install iMPACT-erosion on your computer: Install iMPACT-erosion
Github repository
You can download the Notebooks from the iMPACT-erosion Github repository:
This project is funded by the European Research Executive Agency (REA) under the HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01 grant agreement 101062258
Copyright (C) 2023 Andres Peñuela. iMPACT-erosion is released under the